Archive for June, 2009

Over the years I have seen several different Bands and Singers in Concert, one of the first Acts I saw was Junior Walker & the All Star’s I think it was the late 70’s or the early 80’s, I have done several searches on the Web, but cant find anything relating to the Tour!

I went with my Wife and Brother in law to Tiffany’s Night Club In Great Yarmouth UK, as I remember it was a Great Concert and Junior Walker sounded as Good Live as he does on Record!

His Great Saxophone playing was something great to hear Live!

Some other older acts I seen are The Temptations, this was the early to mid 80’s, this was around the “Treat her like a Lady” period, they were very Good as well, in fact all the Artist’s I’ve seen Live have been Great, apart from probably one or two, more of that later!

I also saw The Supremes featuring Mary Wilson, that was in the 80’s, around that same period I saw, the Drifters featuring Johnny Moore, they as I remember, put on a very long Show!

I’ve seen more of the newer Acts as well, I say “Newer” I mean 70’s and 80’s, more of that next time!


Posted: June 29, 2009 in Uncategorized


The Violet Chakra is situated at the top of the head

The Violet chakra is the colour spirituality, strength,meditation,and passion.

When the violet chakra is blocked we will feel irritable,arrogance,and impatient

When the violet chakra is balanced we will feel in control, powerful,spiritual, and have a feeling of oneness of the universe.

To Much Violet

if we have to much violet we may experience a feeling of being on edge and jumpy, impatient of ourselves and others around us, and may become very arrogant.

Not Enough Violet

If we have to little violet we become negative, have a feeling of being powerless, have a lack of interest in ourselves and others around us.

the best way to add power to the violet chakra is to add violet gemstones and crystals around you for several hours a day. The best way to this is to wear or carry them in your pocket or a purse.

Violet Stones

Violet Jasper,White Topaz,Clear Quartz Crystal,

The Indigo Chakra is situated between the eye brows ” the third eye “

The Indigo Chakra is the colour of inner knowing, intuition, and trust.

When the indgo chakra is blocked we may experience, headaches, nightmares, and have a lack of concentration.

When the indigo chakra is balanced we will experience, clarity, peace,calmness, and a trust in our inner guidance.

To Much Indigo

If we have to much indigo we experience a bigger ego, and believe we are far more spiritually above everyone else, we put ourselves on a pedestal.

Not Enough Indigo

If we have to little indgo we become fearful, oversensitive,depressed, and find that we withdraw within ourselves.

Indigo Stones

Blue Jasper,Amethyst,Lavender Quartz,Sapphire

The Blue Chakra is situated at the throat

The Blue Chakra is the colour of self expression, sound, peace, and trust in others.

When the blue chakra is blocked we will have difficulty in communicating our thoughts, we will experience headache, neck, and shoulder tension, we will also suppress our feelings.

When the blue chakra is balanced we will feel trust, truthfulness, creativity, and tranquility.

To Much Blue

If we have to much blue we can become negative, self centered,, speak negatively, gossip, and become domineering.

Not Enough Blue

If we have to little blue we will feel timid,, depressed,suspicious, and dependent,we will also tend to suppress our feeling towards others.

The best way to add power to the blue chakra is to wear blue crystals and gemstones for several hours a day or place them around your home

Blue Stones

Aquamarine,Blue Quartz,Blue Topaz.

The Green Chakra is situated at the center of the chest

The Green Chakra is the colour of self love, love for others, hope, and self acceptance

When the green chakra is blocked we will experience emotional problems in our relationships.

We may feel saddened and feel a loss we cannot get over.

When the green chakra is balanced we will experience healing, freedom, balance, and a sense of hope.

To Much Green

If we have to much green we become jealous, over confident, envious of others, and overly critical.

Not Enough Green

If we have to little green we become lazy, depressed,moody, others will be able to take advantage and you end up feeling taken for granted.

the best way to add power to the green chakra is to add green gemstones around you for several hours a day. The best way to this is to wear or carry them in your pocket or a purse.

Green Stones

Emerald, Green Topaz,Green Cats Eye, Green Jade,

The Yellow Chakra is situated below the ribs but above the naval

The yellow chakra is the colour of wisdom, joy, optimism, power, and self confidence,

when the yellow chakra is blocked we will feel resentment, fear, anger, and have hateful thoughts,

When the yellow chakra is balanced it will help us aid logic, have good communcations, and help with our will power.

To Much Yellow

If we have to much yellow we become critical and demanding, we would find it hard to concentrate or focus.We would become judgmental of others around us.

Not enough yellow

If we have to little yellow, we will have low self esteem.We would start to fell depressed and would start to blame others when things didn’t go our way. We would start to worrying about trying new things, in turn we would miss oppertunities that could come into our lives.

The best way to add power to the yellow chakra is to wear yellow crystals or gemstones for several hours a day, or place them around your home

Yellow Stones

Yellow Jade, Yellow Sapphire, Yellow Garnet, Golden Tiger Eye.

By now we had Hoped to be living together on our own, but we were still with my Nanny at her House, but things were going OK!

I remember I stayed at my Mother’s House the night before the Wedding and Susan was at her Mum’s, I remember the only person (Parent Wise) who was happy we were getting Married was Susan’s Mum, the other 3 Parents did’nt like the in-Law or wanted us to get Married!

See picture above, The Happy Couple ( me and Susan) ha ha, and the other 2 people are Susan’s Mum and Nanny, Susan’s Nanny would be in our Lives in the not to distant future!

Anyway the Wedding Day didnt get off to a Good start, my Mother drove me and my Sister’s to the Registry Office about 5 miles away, and we got stuck in a Traffic Jam about a Mile away, so we had to get out and Walk to remaining distance to the Registry Office! What a Fool I felt!

Anyway the Day went well, but my Father never turned up! and Susan’s Father came to the Registry Office, but went straight back to work afterward’s!

So no surprise there then!

We had the Wedding Reception Party at the Mother in Law’s Bungalow and Susan’s Brother made the Wedding Cake, and everything else went Great!

So at last we were Married and looking forward to the Baby being Born!

One thing I remember happening that day, was Susan’s 2 elder Bother’s gave me a Friendly Warning about Looking after Susan in the future !!!!!!!!!!!!!! OR ELSE!

By 1978, SLAVE had released another 2 Albums, The Hardness of the World and The Concept, in my opinion neither were as Good as the First Album (Slave), the Best Tracks from both Albums, in my opinion were “Party Song” (Slide 2) and “Baby Sinister” from Hardness, and “Stellar Fungk” and “Thank You Lord” from Concept!

Check out both Albums at the end of this Post, press the small Album Cover to go to Deezer and hear the Full Tracks!

Slave‘s second Album was released very quickly after the original Album, I read somewhere years ago, it was a rush job! as the original Album had been a Success!

Have a listen to the Track “Volcano Rupture” on the Hardness Album, you would think you were listening to a Rock Band!

As for The Concept Album it featured some noteable new members including Steve Arrington
(writer, on first 3 tracks and backing Vocals), and Starleana Young (Backing Vocals) who went on to form Aurra/Deja with Curt Jones.

Slaves first 3 Albums had a different Sound to them, as I mentioned in a earlier post, this Sound was about to change with Steve Arrington taking over as one of the Lead Singers on their up and coming fourth Album “Just a Touch of Love” Produced by their new Producer Jimmy Douglass.

They would lose that Rock edge to their Sound for a more Commercial one for their future Albums.

I have found many a story concerning Slave on the Web, here’s a couple of the better one’s!

Discover the playlist SLAVE HARDNESS with Slave

Discover Slave!


Posted: June 2, 2009 in 1978, bath, bathroom, car, married,

By now we had about 2 Months to go before getting married, and we had a couple of Big changes going on! Firstly, I had to sell my Car, the main reason behind this was to get extra money for us when we got Married!

I remember selling the Car to my Sister’s Boyfriend, for £100 and a bike, so not a bad loss on the Original price and I had some transport to get back and forth to work!

The second change we had, was we had moved in with my Nanny, who lived in the Town Centre of our Town, we had our own Bedroom and had most of our Meals out at the Hotel where I worked, so we were sorted at last!

One thing I do remember that happened at this time was, we had to convert a large Bathroom in my Nanny’s House, into our Bedroom,what a nightmare that was, in the process we had to get the old Bath out of the First Floor Room Window, this took quite a while to do!

Work was going OK at this time and as I said we had about 2 months to go before we got Married!