Archive for April 20, 2010

We were now into Autumn/early Winter of 1979, work was going alright although I didn’t really like the Job!

Susan was about 4 /5 months away from having our Second Child, so we were in the process of Decorating as many rooms as we could before the New Baby came.

We also started Painting Outside the Front and Backway of the Property, the Picture above is us with Nathan and our Niece, outside near the Back Door, and Nathan on his own. as you can see the Walls and pipework and back Door are all painted and the window is half done!

I remember our Neighbours to our Left were an Old Couple, but we got on with them really well, A few years later (about 7 years ago) we moved back to that same area, and the Old Couple were still about, but I remember after a short time we never saw the Old Boy anymore, so he must have died!

But the Old Woman, lived a few years on her own,we have not seen her for about 3 years now, so we think she must have Died as well, we are often in that area as our Daughter still lives there!

As for the other Neighbour, he was a right Prat, about 2/3 years older than us, we both knew him from School, and neither of us liked him back then!

One incident I remember, our linen line had snapped and the Washing went on the ground, so as I didnt have any more linen line to mend it, I had tied the line to the house dividing fence, well later that day we were in the back garden and the neighbour came outside with a Big Carving Knife, he came running over to the fence where the linen line was, and cut the line down then he took a swing at me! luckily he missed, but I always thought he was Mental, and there was my Proof! needless to say we never spoke to him again. I wander now, why we never got the Police on to him!

Getting back to work, one Great thing about working in a Butcher’s Shop was I did used to get money off Meat on a weekly basis, I believe if my memory is correct we used to get about £2.50 per week off Meat, which back then was a Good Saving, but not as Good as the Shop Manager used to get, or his Assistant Manager, who just happened to be his Nephew!

There were some right Fiddles going on in that Shop!