Posted: June 14, 2010 in butchers, detroit spinners, dewhurst, launderette.nathan, natalie, susan, working my way back to you girl

 Two major things happened around March / April of 1980!

Firstly our Second Child was Born, on 10/03/80,
                                       Its a Girl!
so Nathan had a Sister,  I can remember going to the Registry Office with instructions from Susan to call the New Baby “Natasha” but I wanted to call her Natalie, I honestly cant remember what exactly happened, but she ended up been Named “Natalie” Susan always said I named her after “Natalie Cole”  I cant remember that either!

Anyway I was glad we had a Girl, so we had one of each!

We did have loads of Pictures of Natalie, as we did Nathan, but many years ago, either my Mother or one of my Sister’s asked us for some Photos of Natalie & Nathan, to make us a Photo Album of our Kids!

Then we all fell out and we have never seen our Photos again! and of course we never got the Album!

A few years ago when we were on speaking terms,we asked for the Photos back, but Guess what…..they didnt have them & didnt know where the were either! so that’s why we have no early Photos of Natalie, to put on here, I will ask some of Susan’s Family, to see if they have any!

I think our earliest photo’s of Natalie are of about 6/9 months old.

So if any of my Family are reading this Blog in the weeks, month’s and Years to come……………………            
                    I WANT OUR PHOTOS BACK!

The other thing that happened around this time was, I finally got a move to a different Butcher’s Shop!

It was still for Dewhurst’s, but a smaller branch about 2 miles away, It was a better place to work, as I didnt like a couple of the Staff at the other Shop!

How I remember around this period of April 1980, Number One in the U.K Pop Chart, was The Detroit Spinners with “Working My Way Back To You Girl / Forgive Me Girl.

We always had a Radio on in the Shop (out back) and the Spinners were alway being played!

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