Posted: August 28, 2011 in a change is gonna come, gas platform, helicopter, rigs, sam cooke

After about a 45 minute Flight, and endless North Sea, we arrived where the Gas Platform was situated, in the area called The Leman Gas Field.

The Platform I was on was like 2 Platforms/Rigs joined together, it was Huge, the Helicopter circled it a couple of times, I looked out the window and saw the Big “H” on the Landing Pad, and we were about to Land, then I had to remember what they (back at the Heliport) told us about getting off the Helicopter!

That was Quite Nerve-Racking, the Landing, I thought one mistake and we are in the North Sea, all of a sudden, we were on the Platform and out of the Helicopter and walking to the side of the Landing-Pad, where a Trap-Door had opened up! I remember the Wind up there, it was really windy plus the Helicopter Blades, as they don’t stop them, it was like an Hurricane!

We all had to file down the Iron Steps (under the Trap-Door) to an Area where it was checked to see if we were all there! (in case anybody had jumped over the Side, lol). 

It seemed to take ages, to get to the place where we checked and then given all Safety Instructions, on what to do if certain things Happened, that again was Nerve-Racking to hear for the First Time!    

They said “Sometimes the Alarm may go off at any time, and to Meet at a certain Muster Point on the Platform” they also said “As this is a Gas Platform, it may go off more often than a Normal Rig” I thought to myself “They are just saying this to get you Prepared, in case it might go off, but probably Never will” (little did I know, what would happen later)

Anyway we (the Newbies) were given all Work Details etc, I was not in the Main Kitchen (Galley) Area, but in the Area where all the Contractor’s on the Platform had their Meals, I was Happy with that!

I had my own Stewart, if I needed any Help with the Daily Running of our Kitchen & Small Restaurant/Eating Area, He obviously had other Duties, i.e “Making the Bunks” Cleaning of all area’s etc etc

The Stewart turned out to be a German  called “Peter” from a place called “Ormesby” about 8 miles from where I lived, and it was his First Trip out as well, which was handy for me!

Little did I know then, but my First 24 Hour’s Onboard the Platform, was going to be Terrible and that Night, the Alarm would go off Several Times!

As for Music, what about the Great Sam Cooke, my Favorite Track by the Man who Invented Soul Music was “A Change Is Gonna Come”  it was written and originally Released by Sam Cooke in 1963, but was Re-Released shortly after his Death in late 1964.

It’s a Fantastic Song, concerning Discrimination and Racism in the US, around that time Period,  but only a modest hit by Sam Cooke Standard’s, it reached Number 31 Billboard Hot 100.

He wrote the Song after Hearing Bob Dylan‘s Hit “Blowin’ In The Wind”


Have a read of the Lyrics, Press the YouTube sign at bottom of Video!

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