Posted: December 16, 2011 in cadet records, christmas 1983, gas platform, marlena shaw, natalie, nathan, northern soul, offshore, rigs, susan, wade in the water

As it Turned out, I only ever did 2 Trips Offshore, I cannot Remember why I Never did more, I was not Sacked, that’s for sure, perhaps it was the thought of, in the New Year, you were going to have to have a Safety Certificate (I think that’s what is was called) to Work Offshore!

These Safety Certificate’s included being in a Capsule that was turned Upside Down in a Swimming Pool and you had to Prove you could get out Safely without any Panicking etc,  make’s me Sea Sick just Thinking about it!

So this was one Good Reason not to Return Offshore!

I will always Remember after my First Trip Away, and (also my First Time away from Home) what Happened When I got back Home, it was around Mid-Morning, Nathan was still at School, so it was just Susan Natalie at Home, so I pressed the Door-Bell to Surprise, them both!

When she was a Toddler “Natalie” always seemed to have a “Red Nose” so when she ran to the Door , after I Pressed the Bell, she pressed Her Face against the  Frosted Glass Door to Look through it, and all I can Remember was seeing Her “Red Nose” Squashed against the Glass and Screaming out, Daddy! What a Welcome Home that was!

So my last Trip offshore was around Mid-December 1983, I was Due In-Shore about 1 Week before Christmas, this nearly did not work out like this.

I believe Christmas Eve that Year was on a Saturday and we were Due to Fly back Home on the Thursday which was the 22nd, well on the Tuesday a Thick Fog covered the Rig, and No Helicopter’s were Flying In or Out!

This lasted for about 3 Days, Wednesday and Thursday came And went, Still Fog Everywhere, so our Flight was Cancelled, and there was Serious Talk about “the Fog not Lifting for Days”  which would have Meant Spending Christmas on the Rigs………………
What a Disaster that would have been!

But Luckily for us, late Friday Afternoon the “Fog Lifted” and I was Flown back to Home to the Heliport and about 3 Hours Later I was Home………Just in Time For Christmas!!

I have Never Stepped on a Gas Platform/Rig ever Since!


As for Music, back in 1966 Marlena Shaw Released Her Debut Single on the “Cadet Record Label” via Chess Records, it was called “Wade In The Water” it Turned out to be a “Northern Soul Classic” 

Marlena Shaw Co-Wrote the Track with Lee Magid, It was Produced by Billy Davis. Jazz Artist Ramsey Lewis had his own Instrumental Version Released, also on “Cadet Records”! 

Apparently the Song’s Lyric’s were originally used as a “Song of Freedom” to Instruct Slave’s to Escape their Captive’s! For more Info on this and some Great Dancing!

For a More In-Depth Story into the Lyrics and the Original Gospel Song, where “Wade In The Water ” comes from, Check this Site Out.

Over the Years there has been many Different Versions by differing Artists, Check some of them out, at bottom of Post!

Checkout the Northern Soul Dancing!

Here’s a Few Different Versions with the Original and Best First!

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