As I said before, its getting Harder to remember some of My/Our Life back then, I was still Working as a Chef at the Casino, I can recall around late Autumn time in 1984 and the Second Chef “Steve” had been off Work quite a Long Time with some sort of illness!

This I remember, seemed to go on for ages, and the Head Chef “Peter” was Working Longer and more Hours to Cover “Steve” 

I recall one Day at Home, getting a Phone Call from Peter, asking me to do more Hours, I agreed to do some but not that many, as by this time my Kids, Nathan and Natalie were around 6 and 4.5 Years Old, Checkout the Photo from around this Period!

This Extra Work went on for a Little while, then one Night, I was asked by Peter to do some Shifts On my Own, when He was Off, this meant being in Charge of the Kitchen and having about 2/3 other Chefs Working under me!

This I did for a While and I got on Great.

So to cut a long Story short, I ended up getting Promoted to “Second Chef” with More Pay and roughly the same Hours, I believe I had to Work an extra Shift during Friday Day Time as well as the usual evening Shifts!

So what Happened to “Steve” I cant remember why he was off Work, but He did end up Leaving, I cant remember if he left on his on accord or if he was Sacked!

But for the first Time in my Life, I had made it to “Second Chef” this also Meant for about 3 Days a Week, when “Peter” was off Work, I was in Charge of the Kitchen!


Now for some Music, Back in March of 1977, Tavares Released their 5th Album on Capitol Records Called “Love Storm”

The Album was Produced by Freddie Perren, and it Contained 3 Successful Single Releases, all reaching The Top 25 in the US Single Charts.

But the Best Track on the Album in my Opinion was the 4th Single Release, and this was the Least Successful Track, it did not even reach Top 50 US Singles!

It was called “I Wanna See You Soon” a Great Duet with “Capitol Records Label Mate” Freda Payne.

This is a Great Track and one of Tavares Best Ever Tracks!

Apparently this was going to be a Duet with Butch and Tiny on Vocals, but Freda Payne was in the Adjoining Recording Studio, and Suggested Her and Chubby did a Duet! The rest as they say is History!

Download an Extended Version by DJ Colourzone

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