Archive for the ‘crystal clear’ Category

As I said in Previous Post, during Last Summer I knew I had to go into Hospital around Early September time, so during the early Summer I started to experiment with Changing the Tank Waters!

At an Earlier point I was Changing about 20% of the Water Every Week and having a good Clean-Out every 2 weeks, but with the Hospital date coming up, I started Changing the water Less and Less.

The Reason behind this was, when I came out of the Hospital, I knew I would not be able to use my Left Arm for a fairly long time, and as I have a Corner Unit Tank, which is Quite Deep, I would not be able to get my Left Arm/Hand in Tank for Cleaning.

So if I could leave my Water Changes for, say 1 Month, Hopefully my Arm would get better within a Month, and the Tank could Quickly get back to Normal!

During August I managed to leave Tank for up to about 20 Days and everything was Fine, then I Cleaned the Tank the Day Before I went into Hospital.

After a Couple of Days, I was back Home from the Hospital and the Tank seemed Alright, so I left the water Change as long as possible.

As I used to lift the Buckets of Water about 5 Feet off the Ground (to tip into the Tank) Previously, now I could not even move the Bucket off the ground!

I managed to leave  the Water Change for 24 Days this time, but when I came to Change about 25% of the Water, it had begun to Cloud Up, normally after a Water Change, any Cloudiness Disappears!

But not this Time, I have had the Cloudy Problem nearly ever since, I have Tried everything, Changing Filter Wool, Carbon, Zeo-Lite, Sponges etc etc 

Apart from once, I have Never been able to get my Water “Crystal Clear” I am Changing about 50% of the Water around every 10 days or so, I know some people who only Change their water once every 3 Months and Never Hardly Clean the Mess out of the Tank, and not have this problem!

I’m wandering if my Second-User Fluval 4 is up to Scratch, I am getting a New Internal Filter for Christmas, so I will find out then!