Archive for the ‘crystals’ Category

Last Year I felt i needed to learn about Crystals and Gemstones and somehow incorporate using them in my Reiki. There are so many Crystals and Gemstones to learn about i didn’t know how i going to learn them all

I have decided to carry one with me for a few days at a time and learn and feel the energies i feel  from each one.
For some reason i was drawn to my UNAKITE GEMSTONE.
 I love this stone and have been carrying it around for 2 days now.

UNAKITE is a combination of two stones that have solidly bound together RED JASPER  and  EPIDOTE. This is where the meaning what comes together belongs together.

UKANITE  is said to uplift you when you are feeling down. You will start to see the beauty that is around you.
It is used with the Heart Chakra. UKANITE  draws of negative energy and blockage from the Heart Chakra

I have noticed i have been feeling a lot more peaceful and content within myself. I am going to Meditate with this stone.

I love how the stone looks and how the RED JASPER  and  EPIDOTE  blend into each other. This stone will certainly be used within my Crystal Healing Session.

The Orange Chakra is situated the lower abdomen to the naval.

The orange chakra is the colour of creativity, joy, and gives us a sense of well being.

When the orange chakra is blocked we will experience restlessness, lack of pleasure, guilt, and not be able to see things clearly.

When the orange chakra is balanced it will help us cope faster with disappointments and hurts to the heart.

To Much Orange

if we have to much orange we become self centered, manipulative, and not thinking of others around us.

Not Enough Orange

If we have little orange we become timid, our self esteem goes down, we start to hide our emotions and are very easily hurt, this can lead us to become very mistrusting of others and worrying what people think of us.

The best way to add power to the orange chakra is to add orange crystals and gemstones around you for several hours a day.Try wearing orange jewelry or carrying orange stones around with you in your purse or pocket.

Orange Stones

Amber,Golden Topaz, Orange Carnelian.