Archive for the ‘drummer’ Category


As Reader’s of this Blog will know, I generally do a Bi-Weekly Feature on a Different Artist or Band, I went all out to finish these Just before the Christmas Period, I Concluded Bio’s on The Isley Brothers, Maze and Barry White.

I have been thinking of what to do next, on this Blog, I really wanted some sort of stuff that I have not seen on Music Blogs Before!  for Example:

1) A Selection of the Best Music from an Artist or Band, with some Info on the Songs, the Band, the Music etc. 

2) A Compilation of the Best Music from a Certain Record Label, say Stax, Atlantic or Salsoulagain with Info on the Band/Artist and the Tracks!

3) A Selection of “The Best Of”,  Sax Players, Bass Guitarists or Drummers! 

4) Bio’s on Certain Producer’s,  Jam and Lewis, Willie Mitchell or George Clinton!

Anyway thats a few of my Ideas (perhaps you have an idea!), I shall start One or the other Subjects this Week, in Time for the Next Musical Section/Week of this Blog!

Here’s some Stax Stuff! this maybe the way I’m Going!
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