Archive for the ‘jimmy ruffin’ Category

Here’s the 163rd Mix for F.S.V.B, Its been Mixed by DJ Toneman, its a Timeless Soul Classic Mix, there’s some Great 60’s and 70’s Tracks on here, Featuring amongst others:Detroit Emeralds, The Blackbyrds, Four Tops, New York City, Fantastics and Jimmy Ruffin.   

For Full Track Listing’s and Download Go Here!

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As I said in Previous posts, when we Lived in Norwich back in 1987, we always came back to Great Yarmouth on a Saturday, to see Family and Sell some stuff from my Mobile Shop Van.

I recall nearly straightaway after coming Home from Yarmouth on the Weekend, things started happening to Our House and Garden, when we were out in Yarmouth!

Things like, Nathan’s Cars that were left out  where He used to Play, were Damaged, i.e smashed with a Hammer, I also think something was done to the Kids Bikes, damage to the Shed and Fence etc, this went on for a couple of Weeks, me and Susan never thought to much about, when the Kids Complained!

After 3/4 Weeks of things happening, and not doing anything about it, we came to Yarmouth as usual that Weekend, and when we returned everything looked normal, until Susan went to get the Washing in, thats when we saw what had been done,  there had been someone in Our back Garden, Slashing our all Washing with what must have been a Stanley Knife!

We got straight on to The Police, who came round, they were going on about Enemies in the Area, we said we didn’t really know anybody in the area, as usual the Copper’s were Useless & Done Nothing!  

When we were still Living in Norwich, we Never found out the Reason, why this stuff was done to us, but we found out Later!

We found out Later why this had all happened, it turned out, the Person (Moron) we Exchanged Council Houses with, still had a Sister who Lived on the Same Road, who Wanted Her back In Norwich and wanted to Scare us off, back to Yarmouth, so Her Sister could move back in!

What a Bunch of Tw*ts, Especially the Idiot who Smashed our Kids Toys Up, not too mention our Clothes etc they Ruined!

What makes me Mad about this situation is, None of Morons who caused all this Trouble were Never brought to Justice, perhaps one Day I will get the Chance to Repay them all one by one!

Incidentally the Prat we exchanged with, still Walks about our Town, and about once a Year we have the Mis-Fortune of seeing Her, and the First Thing I think is WHAT A DICKHEAD!


Now for some Music, I had to go in to Hospital last week, and wanted something on my MP4 Player which I have not played for a Little While, that same Night I turned on a Local Radio Station and heard some Jimmy Ruffin, so I quickly got my Jimmy Ruffin CD’s off the Rack and on to the MP4 player.

My Favorite Jimmy Ruffin Track was actually Released on 3 seperate Occasions, Firstly in 1967, then 1969 and Finally in 1974.

It was called “I’ve Passed This Way Before” it was from the Album “The Jimmy Ruffin Way” Released in 1966 on the Tamla Motown Label and featured 12 Tracks, including His Biggest Hit “What Becomes of the Brokenhearted”

The Track Reached Number 17 on the US Pop Chart, Number 10 on the US R&B Chart and it also Reached Number 29 on the UK Pop Chart.

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