Archive for the ‘kings casino’ Category

February 1987, We had been Living in Our House for 5 Years by then, and we were thinking about Moving House, we were going to Try and  Move about 20 Miles away, to Norwich!

Now at this time, we were Living in a Local Council House, Paying Rent on a Monthly Basis, so we had to find somebody to swap Houses with, and this we did!

We didn’t have much Idea what that Area was Like in Norwich, so one day we went for a Drive around that Area, it seemed OK, but we wasn’t sure, so we decided to go to the Local Police House!

It was only a Small Police Office with 1 or 2 Copper’s Working there, so we went in and Told them what was happening with Us, i.e Moving and we asked them about the Area and they said it was “Fine and a Decent Area”

“What a Load of Cr*p” that Turned out to be (more on this later), anyway we Decided for Definite to Move, and went back Home and over the following few Weeks made all the Arrangements etc to Move!

This House Move all Happened the same time I left my Employment at “King’s Casino” so I was trying to sort a Job as well.

We had decided that at the Same time as Moving, I was going to go Self-Employed for the First Time in my Life, and not Working for somebody Else or a Company!

I was going to get some Help with Money from my Parents to get Started in Business, more on this next time and how it became a Big Mistake, Moving to Norwich in the First Place!

As for some Music, Back in 1973, (40 Years Old Next Year!) Ann Peebles Released Her 9th Single out of 18, that Charted on the US R&B Chart “I’m Gonna Tear Your Playhouse Down”

Ann Peebles was the Only Female On the Hi Record Label and the Song was Produced by Al Green‘s Producer “Willie Mitchell” and the Track was Written by Earl Randel.

The Track Reached Number 31 on the US R&B Chart.

It was included on the Album “I Can’t Stand The Rain” which was Released the Following Year in 1974.

Also Featured on the Track, are the Famous Memphis Horns and Hi Rhythm Sections.

What a Great Track this is, Typical Memphis Southern Soul!

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Following on from my Last Life Post, Around the Period I was Working at “King’s Casino” I Started Doing some Work, to Earn Extra Money, by Making Homemade Pies and Salads for Shops, Butchers, etc etc.

I used to Make Cornish Pasties, Sausage Rolls and All sorts of Different Pies, as well as Ready Mixed Salad Stuffs, i.e Mixed Salads in Sealed Bowls, Coleslaw, Potato Salad etc etc, Nowadays places like Asda and Tesco Sell Plenty of these Pre-Packed Salads, but in the Early to Mid 80’s, you never saw this in Supermarket’s!

I had 2 Main Customer’s on a Weekly Basis, they were a Fish & Chip Shop in Town and The Head Waiter at “King’s Casino” had a Butcher’s Shop in the nearby Village of “Acle”  

The Butcher was Easy to Sort out as he used to come round once a Week to Collect the Pies and Paid when He did, but the Fish & Chip was a bit Harder, I at this time Still only had my “Racer Bike”

So I used to get “Nathan” on the Crossbar of the “Bike” and we used to pedal there, it was about 2 Miles away, so quite a Journey with all those Pies/Salads & Nathan.

The Money from this Little Venture came in very Handy and Worthwhile at that time, and was to Lead on to Further Work, a little later on in my Life!


As for some Music, a Single released back in 1975, and would be in my Top 20 Soul singles of All-Time, it was by the Great Soul Vocal Group The Dramatics, the Track was Called “(I’m Going by) the Stars In Your Eyes”

What a Great Song this was and still is, Sweet Soul Music at it’s Best!

It was from The Dramatics 5th Studio Album Entitled “The Dramatic Jackpot” it was also their First of  6 Albums to be Released on the ABC Record Label.

The Single Reached Number 81 on the US Pop Chart and Number 22 on the US R&B Chart.

The Dramatics
Cover of The Dramatics

The Dramatics Line-Up around this Period was: Ron Banks, LJ Reynolds, Willie Ford, Larry” Squirell” Demps and Lenny Mayes. 

The Writer of the Track was Tony Hester, He Wrote some Great Tracks for Various Different Artist’s, including Johnnie Taylor, The Dells, Luther Ingram and The Platters, it was Produced by Don Davis

The Lyrics:

Sagittarius, Virgo maybe Scorpio
I wouldn’t care if you were Aquarius
I’m still in love with you
As sure as you were born
you could be Gemini
or even if you were a Capricorn
I could never let you go

O I ain’t going by those stars in the sky
I’m going by those stars in your eyes
and I love you
O I don’t need a second look
Cause you’re what’s happening in my book
and I love you

Taurus, Leo, Pisces
It makes no difference, girl
if you’re in love with me

O that’s all I need to know
I will give all my heart and all my love
and I don’t care about the stars
my love just grows and grows

Cause I ain’t going by those stars in the sky
I’m going by those stars in your eyes
I don’t give a heck
about that old Zodiac
because it’s what’s in your heart
girl that’s where it’s at and I love you
I need you, I need you I don’t need a second look
cause you’re what’s happening in my book

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I Worked at “Kings Casino” from Early 1984 to around Autumn in 1987, about 3.75 Years!

It was a Great Place to Work and most of the Kitchen Staff were Great as well, I had a Good Reason for leaving, I will talk about this next Time!

But I have One Last Story about the “Casino” I would like to Post about, some 25 Years later (after I had finished at the Casino), My Son “Nathan” Who Works as a Coffee Vending Machine Engineer, in the East Anglia Region of the UK, by Coincidence has Machines in “Kings Casino” 

He was Repairing a Machine there about 2 Years ago, when He got talking to a Female Member of Staff, who had Remembered me Working there all them Years previously!

She had apparently been Working there for over 25 Years and also Had a Photograph of me and “Head Chef” Peter Culley.

So the Next time “Nathan” was there Mending a Vending Machine, she gave Him the Photo (to give to me), she had took it all them Years ago!

That’s Peter in the Middle, with me to the Left!

I Remembered it well, it was Taken around  Christmas/New Year Period in 1985, it was a Big Buffet, All Types of Meat and Seafood you could Imagine, I remember the Restaurant was Closed that Night, but there was well over a 150 Covers at the Buffet.

Its Great to Look back on Photos like this, its the only thing I have concerning “Kings Casino” and as the Casino Closed Down about 18 Months ago, I’m not likely to see or go in there Again!


Level 42
Cover of Level 42

As for some Music, My Favorite English Band are Level 42, and in 1985 they Released a Single Called “Something About You” Prior to the Album which Followed, Called “World Machine

Cover of "World Machine"
Cover of World Machine

World Machine was Level 42’s 6th Studio Album, all of which were on the Polydor Record label.“Something About You” was Written by Level 42 and Wally Badarou.

It was not Released until 1986 in the US, and became their only Top 10 Hit on the Billboard Hot 100 Chart, in the UK it Reached Number 6 on the UK Pop Chart!

I saw “Level 42” Live about 2 Years Previous to the Single Release, Mark King was Great on the “Bass” the Best British Bass Player by Far!

I Believe after Their next Album Release in 1986 called “Running in the Family” Level 42 went off the Boil a bit, and went too Commercial, this coincided with the “Gould Brothers” Leaving the Band!

They had an ever Changing Line-Up from then on. <A HREF=””> Widgets</A>

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As I said before, its getting Harder to remember some of My/Our Life back then, I was still Working as a Chef at the Casino, I can recall around late Autumn time in 1984 and the Second Chef “Steve” had been off Work quite a Long Time with some sort of illness!

This I remember, seemed to go on for ages, and the Head Chef “Peter” was Working Longer and more Hours to Cover “Steve” 

I recall one Day at Home, getting a Phone Call from Peter, asking me to do more Hours, I agreed to do some but not that many, as by this time my Kids, Nathan and Natalie were around 6 and 4.5 Years Old, Checkout the Photo from around this Period!

This Extra Work went on for a Little while, then one Night, I was asked by Peter to do some Shifts On my Own, when He was Off, this meant being in Charge of the Kitchen and having about 2/3 other Chefs Working under me!

This I did for a While and I got on Great.

So to cut a long Story short, I ended up getting Promoted to “Second Chef” with More Pay and roughly the same Hours, I believe I had to Work an extra Shift during Friday Day Time as well as the usual evening Shifts!

So what Happened to “Steve” I cant remember why he was off Work, but He did end up Leaving, I cant remember if he left on his on accord or if he was Sacked!

But for the first Time in my Life, I had made it to “Second Chef” this also Meant for about 3 Days a Week, when “Peter” was off Work, I was in Charge of the Kitchen!


Now for some Music, Back in March of 1977, Tavares Released their 5th Album on Capitol Records Called “Love Storm”

The Album was Produced by Freddie Perren, and it Contained 3 Successful Single Releases, all reaching The Top 25 in the US Single Charts.

But the Best Track on the Album in my Opinion was the 4th Single Release, and this was the Least Successful Track, it did not even reach Top 50 US Singles!

It was called “I Wanna See You Soon” a Great Duet with “Capitol Records Label Mate” Freda Payne.

This is a Great Track and one of Tavares Best Ever Tracks!

Apparently this was going to be a Duet with Butch and Tiny on Vocals, but Freda Payne was in the Adjoining Recording Studio, and Suggested Her and Chubby did a Duet! The rest as they say is History!

Download an Extended Version by DJ Colourzone

As I said in Previous Post, I was back in Full-Time Work at the “Kings Casino” I Enjoyed Working there, and I got on Great with the First and Second Chefs!

I Remember within a Few Month’s of being there, Peter the Head Chef had been around our House to Meet Susan, Nathan and Natalie, Susan Really Liked Him I recall, we had also been around His Flat.

A few Months within starting at “Kings” Peter was off on his Holidays to America, He asked me to do the “Second Chef’s Work, whilst Steve was going to be in “Head Chef” in Charge, of course I agreed to this!

I remember having more responsibilities at Work and Working a Few more Hours.

Why I remember this so Clearly was when Peter returned to Work, he asked if He could Pop round to see Susan and the Kids, this He did, and to our Surprise He had Brought us all Presents from His Holiday!

He got the Kids, Natalie a “Air Hostess” Doll and Nathan a “Model Airplane” I remember he brought Susan, a “Big Cuddly Toy” and He got me, an Album and a 12″ Single.

The Album was The Weather Girls “Success” but I cannot think what the 12″ was!  

We were all really Surprised by this, but then Peter was a “Nice Bloke” and a Good Friend to Me and Susan!

We Last saw “Peter” about 15 Years ago, when we Invited Him around Our House, some 12 Year’s after I had last Worked with Him.

As for some Music, a Great Track from the 1979 by “Prince Phillip Mitchell” called “I’m So Happy” it was on the Album “Top of the Line”

What a Great Track this is, Written by P.P.M, I still Play this on a Regular Basis Now, why was this Bloke, Never a Big Success!

It was from his second Album out of 4, and it was on the “Atlantic Record Label”

Over the Years, Prince Phillip Mitchell Wrote several Song’s that were Recorded by other Artist’s including: Mel and TimMillie Jackson, Joe Simon, Candi Staton and Norman Connors

Checkout some of His other Great Music!

Have a Read of this 2001 Interview with Prince Phillip Mitchell. 

Download the Album, Press “save file to” option.

As I said in Previous Post, I was Working about 2 or 3 Nights Per Week, when I First Started my New Job at “King’s Casino” but that soon Changed to more Nights, and then I remember going into Work one Night and was Told the “Second Chef” had Left!

This Worked out right for me, as they took on a New Second Chef and I was asked by “Peter” to do more Shifts, this I Accepted!

The New Second Chef was a chap by the Name of “Steve Green” he had Previously Worked with the Head Chef “Peter”at a Hotel in nearby “Norwich”

So I was back Working as a Full Time Chef within about 3/4 Months of Finishing on the Rigs!

I knew my “Wife” Susan never liked me Working Nights, but I was a “Chef” and didn’t have too much Choice (but to Work Night’s)!

I suppose when I Look back to our Earlier Lives nearly 30 Years ago, concerning our Marriage and “Our Kids” I should have tried some other Sort of Work (so I could have been Home, more in the Evening’s), but all I had been was a Chef and a Butcher, and I had Worked at Most of the Butcher’s in Town (there was only about 3/4 different Companies).

By this time, around early Summertime in 1984, me and Susan had been Married 6 Year’s and “Nathan” was nearly 6 Year’s Old and “Natalie” was 4 Year’s old.

Back to Work, the New Chef “Steve” was a Decent Bloke and I got on Well with Him, his only trouble was He followed the Local Football Team “Norwich City” and I also remember he did not go Much on Soul Music!

Anyway Working with them 2 Chefs was Great, I cannot remember too many Disagreements with Either of them, although they did
Talk about “each other” a fair bit to me, as they were Like an Old “Married Couple” having known each other (and worked together) for a Few Year’s!


 As for Some Music, back in late 1985, Keyboardist Jeff Lorber had His Biggest Album (to Date) it was Produced by David Frank and Mic Murphy Aka “The System” it was Entitled “Step By Step”

Step by Step was a Best track on the Album and was Sung by New York Session Singer” Audrey Wheeler and it Reached Number 31 in the US R&B Charts!

The Track was Written by Jeff Lorber and Anita Pointer of the Pointer Sisters and it was on the “Arista” Record Label in the US and on the “Club” label in the UK.

Checkout this Great Track!

Here’s a Great Extended Dance Mix by Ray K   
Step By Step – Jeff Lorber (ray Ks Extended Dance Mix) ray K by rayk  Checkout more of Ray K’s Mixes!
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It was now 1984, I had just Spent Christmas at Home with my Wife and Kids, after leaving my previous Job (Offshore Chef) about 4 Days before Christmas ’83. 

I cant be exact, but I think I only had about 2 Weeks out of Work before I found my next Job!

It was only Part-Time (but I knew it would become Full-Time in due course) I was going to Work at a Casino in our Town, as a Chef, the Place was Called “King’s Casino”
I Remember at the beginning I was Working, once or twice a Week, I was taking care of the Starter’s and Sweets, there was only a Small Team of Worker’s, including the Head Chef called “Peter Culley” and a Second Chef named “Kevin Huggins” there was another Trainee Chef and about 2/3 Chaps doing the Kitchen Porter’s Work.

I enjoyed the Job and Work, although there were a Couple of Draw Backs, one was, I was Working Night’s again and two, I Lived about 4/5 Miles away and I still had my Bike, so I was back Pedalling again!

When I say I worked Nights, the Hour’s were a 5pm Start and “Last Order’s” were at 11.30pm, so by the Time we Cleared up etc and I Cycled Home, it was around 12.30 am, not too great for a Married Man with Kids, but I did get 6 out of the 7 Day Times off, although we did Work Friday Morning as well, as the Night Time.

I recall Cycling back and forth to work, that time of the year, it always seemed to be Raining, so I had my “Yellow Water Proof Coat and Trouser’s” for Bike Riding, they used to make me Sweat “like Hell” most times, but at least I had My “Personal Cassette Player” that always Helped me to pass away the time on boring Journeys! 

As for Music, back in 1974, Al Green Released His 8th Album on the  Hi Records Label, called “Explores Your Mind” and the Brilliant 3rd Track on Side 1 was called “God Blessed Our Love” What a Classic!

It was Written by Al Green, Willie Mitchell and Earl Randle, Surprisingly, it was Never Released as a Single, I would say one of Al Green’s Best, but He has so Many Fantastic Tracks!

The Album went to Number 1 in the US R&B Charts, the Track was Re-Recorded by several Different Artists over the Years!

Checkout the Live Version, Recorded in 2002 in New York City, What a Performance!

Download the Track!
Check out the Great Lyrics!
God blessed our love. 
Even in the morning, when I rise, I say 
God blessed our love. 

And every morning, when I rise
I can just see heaven all, all in your eyes
Makes me know this is not an everyday love, no, no
We’ve got something I’m sure we can be proud of
Oh, we’ve got so much, so much love
We’ve got so much, so much trust
Can’t you see a halo, a halo, I can see a halo hovering over us

oh I just can’t believe it baby but,
God blessed our love, 
I have to say it this evening that
God oh God blessed our love
if you’ve got something to be thankful for 
you oughta just say, hey, hey, hey, 
God blessed our love, 
I have to say it this evening
God oh God blessed our love oh yes he did

Let me say I could just stand up and tell the world, oh baby
That you’re mine, all mine, ah yeah
You love is heavenly designed
And I just have to say that I like kissing you
I like, I like hugging you
I like squeezing you, wanting you, holding you, loving you
I’m glad I’m still lovin’ oh baby 
Let me say when people, yeah, people, yeah, start to criticize
Well it don’t bother me, no, no, 
Cause I know God, God, God is on our side
yes he is

let me just say
God, God blessed our love
I have to say that God oh God blessed our love
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