Archive for the ‘mark davidson’ Category

The Summer of 1979, we were still living in the same place (one room really) we used to go out as much as possible, as I remember it was a decent Summer weather wise!

I was still working as a Trainee Chef in the same Hotel, I got on with most of the Chefs, but the difference was they were all single and I was Married with a Baby, so I didnt go out with any of them, they would be drinking at the Bar attached to the Hotel, during working hours & sometimes when they had time off!

Fournately that Summer, we had a new Chef came to work at the Hotel, he was about 26 years old, about 6 years older than me, but married with a couple of kids, so I had quite a bit in common with him, his name was Bob Gaunt & he only lived around the corner from us, so that Summer we see quite a bit of him & his family, although Susan says she cant ever remember going around anyones at that time!

I cant remember his Wifes or his Kids names though, must be old age!

He at that time was a good colleague & friend to us but I cant remember what happened to him, whether he left the Hotel, although later that year, I left the Hotel & Catering Trade for a few years!

Perhaps one day he will read this Blog!

Another Trainee Chef I got on really well was a lad by the name of Mark Davidson, he was only about 18 & from Sheffield, I wander what happened to him also!