Archive for the ‘mince’ Category

I remember when we first moved into our rented House, we had hardly any furniture, coming from a one roomed place!

So we had Second Hand Stuff, I remember going to a Second Hand place with Susan’s Dad, cant remember exactly what we got , but I remember getting a Black Plastic and green Material 3 Piece Suite and a Large Rug for the Front Room………………From my Parents, I cant remember them buying us anything!

I also remember being taken to a Furniture Store in Town (with Susan) by Susan’s Dad, He brought us some New Furniture, a Bed and some Wardbrobes, it was a case of “you’ll have that and this and that overthere”

We were Grateful for the Help, apart some Carpet my Father got us, about 3 years later, that was the only Help we ever had off both sets of Parents!

Things were going Great in the new House, we had started Decorating all the rooms, this is where we were to find out Susan was a better Wallpaperer than me!

Its the same now, I can do all DIY apart from Wallpapering, Susan is much better than me and anybody else I know, she has Wallpapered all our Houses we have lived in!

My one and only attempt at Wallpapering was in our Front Room in our first House, it was a patterned paper with circles, and after I finished putting it on the Walls it looked like a Aero Chocolate Bar,,,,Full of Bubbles!

Most members of the Family remember my attempt at papering!

As for work , that wasn’t going to bad, I never really liked Serving Customer’s though, and as I said before, I did’nt like the Manager too much either!

Some of the Tricks they used to do, to make the Meat look Better always made me Laugh, the main thing that they would do (but would not get away with these days), was put Pig’s Heart in the Beef Mince, to make the Mince a better colour of Red, in turn the Customer’s thought the Mince was lovely and Lean!

Trading Standard’s couldn’t have been that Hot, back then! and I never heard of any Customer Complaining either!