Archive for the ‘qualified chef’ Category

After my Father Died in June of 1987, things took a while to get back to Normal, we had Just Moved back into the same House we had previously moved out of, so we were trying to Sort this out and keep an eye on my Mother.

As I said previously my Mother was only in her Mid-Forties, so this was a Big Shock to her, me and Susan used to go round to the House several times per Week, and taking her Places, getting her Shopping in and generally making sure she was not on her own a lot.

I can’t Remember to much around this Period, understandably I suppose,  but I do Remember I was still Self-Employed, so I needed to start earning some more Money again! 

I had my Mobile-Shop still so I was selling stuff around our way, People used to bang on the Front Door and I would go and open up the Van to Sell them what ever they wanted!

I cant Remember how long this went on for, but what did happen shortly afterwards was, my Father’s Will was Read, and my Mother Insisted that my Father Wanted me to have some sort of  Help, Starting up a Business!

This I agreed to and then I Started Looking for some sort of Business to Rent or Buy.

As I was a Qualified Chef, I started Looking for some sort of Food/Eating Place, I did after a few weeks of Searching find a Take-Away in my Home Town of Gorleston, It was Actually 2 Minutes from where we used to live, so I knew the Area well.

So we started doing some Research on the Place, we also went down there when it was Open for Business, and it seemed a Fairly Busy Little Place, Selling Fish & Chip’s and a Very Small Restaurant, as well!

But as it Turned out, things were not all they Seemed at the Take-away (more on this next time)!


Now for some Music, back in 1988 Will Downing Released his Self-Titled Debut Album for the 4th & Broadway Record Label, and the First Single from the Album was a Track Called “A Love Supreme”

It was his Version of the “John Coltrane” Classic, it Reached Number 4 on the US Billboard Hot 100 Chart!

The Song was Produced by Arthur Baker and Will Downing and Features the Great Stanley Turrentine on Saxaphone.

There was also a Great Mix Released shortly after, it was Called “A Love Supreme Jazz House Mix Dub, I’ve included that as well below! 

Will Downing has Released a Total of 13 Albums during his Career, and is still Recording Today!

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