Archive for the ‘van mccoy’ Category

So in a few Days (around the 2nd week in June of 1987) were Back Home in Great Yarmouth, in the same House we left about 3 Month’s earlier, and with the “Old Boy” still ill in Hospital.

We didn’t really know How Bad he was, as I said previously my Mother did not tell us that much, about his illness, we Learned more from the Hospital staff as time went by!

As time Passed, I began to Wonder whether He would ever get any Better, He was saying Strange things to the Hospital Staff, I Remember one time He was saying things about one of the Nurses, being Black, and Saying they were doing things to him, He also Refused to see his Youngest Sister, when She Visited!

I found out Later when my Wife “Susan” Worked in the very same Hospital, that a lot of times, people who are Too ill are just brought back to Life, virtually for the Family too Say Goodbye to them!

This as it turned out was the case for my Family and Father.

I did a couple of things for my “Old Boy” I had never done before in that Last Week of his Life, I Talked to Him, he had never been a Big Talker to me (before) I used take to the Hospital Window , so he could look out, over the Car Park and I actually Shaved him a Couple of Times!

This Week was a Very Busy time for us, as you could imagine, we had just Moved House, so when we was not Sorting the Kids out, we were either Sorting the House out (unpacking all our stuff) or We were up the Hospital.

As it happened my “Old Boy” Lasted Exactly a Week before He Died on Saturday 22nd June 1987 at 15.50pm, and I Remember the Sun was Shining Brightly!

I must Admit his Death Hit me Quite Hard, this was Very Surprising as I Never Really got on with him that Well, as I said previously, He never really Spoke to me that Much, and it Always seemed I had to try to Hard to make him Happy!

As I was the only Son with 3 Sister’s, you may have thought I would Get on Better with Him than my Sister’s did, this Was Not the case, he seemed to favour all of Them Better than me, and his Particular favorite was my Youngest Sister!

I have always Wondered what my other 2 Sister’s thought of this Favoritism, it was never Hidden!


As for some Music, has I have been posting about my Father this Week, One particular thing I remember about my Father and Music Happened over 40 years Ago, I have posted about this Subject  previously, but its worth another Mention, Under the Circumstances!

Its Nothing to do with Tom Jones, I Remember my Father liking Him as a Singer, the “Old Boy” used to say “that Tom Jones Sounds just a  Black Singer”

Anyway I Remember the Day, back in 1972, the “Old Boy” gave me a 50p Coin and said to me “get the Bus up to Town and go in “Wooly’s and get me that Record by “Jackie Wilson” its Called “I Get The Sweetest Feeling

I got a Copy of that Record and Played Hundreds of Times on the Family’s Twin Speaker Record Player, I suppose there was 2 things that got me into Soul Music back then, this was one of them and the other was a Boy who I sometimes went around with, had an Older Brother, who always had Motown playing in his House, whenever I went round his! 

So perhaps my “Old Boy” did do something for me, after all!

Incidentally I still have the Single in my Loft, just like the Record to the Left!

A little bit about the Track, It was Written by Van McCoy and originally Released 4 Years earlier in 1968 across in the USA.
It was Produced by Carl Davis.

The Record was on the “MCA Label (in the UK)” and Reached number 9 on the Uk Pop Charts.

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In this Series of Posts, I will writing about a Particular Classic Soul/Funk Album from the 60’s 70’s and 80’s

The LP’s that stand out in my Mind, as The Best Albums ever Released. All of them, I have purchased on Vinyl many Years ago and now have them on CD or Download today.

You may have Differing view’s (as we all do) on these Choices, but these are my Favorites!


In 1975, The Impressions Released their 17th Studio Album (out of a Career of 21), it was entitled “First Impressions”

It would be their Last Album on Curtis Mayfield’s “Curtom Record Label” it was Written and Produced by Ed Townsend (Except Track 6 which was Written by Van McCoy.

The Impressions were Sam Gooden, Fred Cash, Ralph Johnson and Reggie Torian, incidentally Gooden and Cash were Original Members with Curtis Mayfield, and are still going Today at the Ages of 77 and 71.

Track Listing:
1. Sooner or Later
2. Same Thing it Took
3. Old Before My Time
4. First Impressions
5. Groove
6. I’m So Glad
7. How High is High
8. Why Must a Love Song be a Sad Song

This was a Great Album, My favorites Tracks were in Order of Preference: Track 1, 4, 2 and 5.

3 Singles were Released from the Album: First Impressions, Same Thing it Took and Sooner or Later, with only “First Impressions” Making the US Charts, Reaching Number 16 and spending 10 Weeks on the Chart!

Curtis Mayfield had Left The Impressions, 5 Years Earlier in 1970, He and Jerry Butler had Joined a Band Called “The Roosters” in 1957, In 1958 they Changed their name to Jerry Butler and The Impressions.

They had a Minor Hit in 1963, it was called “Gypsy Woman” there were a few Line-Up Changes early on, then in 1963 Two things happened, they Changed their Name again, this time to “The Impressions” and they had their First Big Hit, it was Called “It’s Alright”  

The First Album under the Name “The Impressions” was Released in 1963, it was Entitled “The Impressions” by now the Band Consisted of Curtis Sam and Fred!

I Clearly Remember Buying this Album from “Groove Records” in Greek Street, Soho, London.

I have Posted about this Before, have a Read! <A HREF=””> Widgets</A>
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