Archive for the ‘water changing’ Category

As I said in Previous Post, during Last Summer I knew I had to go into Hospital around Early September time, so during the early Summer I started to experiment with Changing the Tank Waters!

At an Earlier point I was Changing about 20% of the Water Every Week and having a good Clean-Out every 2 weeks, but with the Hospital date coming up, I started Changing the water Less and Less.

The Reason behind this was, when I came out of the Hospital, I knew I would not be able to use my Left Arm for a fairly long time, and as I have a Corner Unit Tank, which is Quite Deep, I would not be able to get my Left Arm/Hand in Tank for Cleaning.

So if I could leave my Water Changes for, say 1 Month, Hopefully my Arm would get better within a Month, and the Tank could Quickly get back to Normal!

During August I managed to leave Tank for up to about 20 Days and everything was Fine, then I Cleaned the Tank the Day Before I went into Hospital.

After a Couple of Days, I was back Home from the Hospital and the Tank seemed Alright, so I left the water Change as long as possible.

As I used to lift the Buckets of Water about 5 Feet off the Ground (to tip into the Tank) Previously, now I could not even move the Bucket off the ground!

I managed to leave  the Water Change for 24 Days this time, but when I came to Change about 25% of the Water, it had begun to Cloud Up, normally after a Water Change, any Cloudiness Disappears!

But not this Time, I have had the Cloudy Problem nearly ever since, I have Tried everything, Changing Filter Wool, Carbon, Zeo-Lite, Sponges etc etc 

Apart from once, I have Never been able to get my Water “Crystal Clear” I am Changing about 50% of the Water around every 10 days or so, I know some people who only Change their water once every 3 Months and Never Hardly Clean the Mess out of the Tank, and not have this problem!

I’m wandering if my Second-User Fluval 4 is up to Scratch, I am getting a New Internal Filter for Christmas, so I will find out then!

Carrying on from my Previous Post, I had a bit of Money given to me from My kids and grand-kids for Father’s day, so I decided to buy a Few things from Ebay for the Fish!

I had about £40, so I brought about 6 different kinds of Fish Food (Flake, Pellets for Cichlids and Plecs, Sticks and Wafers), some Filter Pads (Wool and Carbon) and a twin Pack of Aqua Plus and Cycle.

Fish Keeping is Quite Expensive and All these purchases soon mount up, so I decided to  keep a List of everything I Spend since starting the Hobby, which is Quite an Eye opener, see here for Details!

One thing I did manage to Buy Really Cheaply on Ebay,was a Person was Selling about 5/6 Fish Treatments in a bundle, a couple of them had about very small amount used, but they were all in Great Condition, anyway I got the lot for £10.50 and free postage, anyone of these would have Cost you £5 each, so a Great bargain! 

Concerning Cleaning  and Water Changes for my Tank, I have spoken to many People and Read many Stories and gotten plenty Advice from on the Internet, but one thing for Certain is that Everybody Cleans and Maintain their Tanks different from everybody else.

I tend to have a Water Change every week, it used to be around 25% (this had changed recently, more of this in a future Post) and I used to have a Good Clean Up around every 14 Days, I mean getting Rocks Plants etc and Cleaning, I also Vacuum all the Fish Waste etc and also give the inside Tank Glass a Good Clean. 

I tried something a bit different during August time (which I wish now, I had never done it), I was having to go into Hospital for an Operation in September and afterwards I would not be able to use my Left Arm for a Couple of Months.

So I decided to leave my Tanks, Longer Between Water Changes and Cleaning, What a Mistake this was!

I shall write about this Blunder (which is still affecting my Tank) next Post!


After the Tank had been running just over 3 Weeks, got my First Cichlids and a Couple of Small Plecs, I got these from a Friend I had met Online, I had visited his House before to see his Tanks/ Fish (please see Page, at top) and to ask him a few Questions and get Advice on Cichlids etc etc.

I got some Great little Cichlids from Danny, he had Bred these, in one of his several Tanks he has. I got 6 Yellow Labs, 3 different sizes, but He did not the sex, as they were all still Young, but after a bit of Research  online, I believe I have, so far 2 Males!

I also got 6 Salousi, 2 Male and 4 Female, I also as mentioned got 2 fairly Small Plecs, which are already Growing Bigger.

So far there has been only 1 Scrap between 2 Female Salousi, which only lasted a few minutes, and they don’t appear to have tussled since!

I have obviously have one Boss of the Tank, he the Black and Blue Salousi, he spends most of his time chasing the Sub-Dominant Salousi and his Harem about!

These are all seem to be Happy and are all Great little Fishes, they are all very Interesting to watch and everyone who comes around to Visit, always comment’s on them and the Tank!

Its a Great Hobby, which I enjoy, I love Cleaning out the Tank, Changing it about, the Water Changing, testing the water,  in fact everything about it!

Why I ever got Married all them Years ago, I’ll never know!

In a couple of weeks time, I will be getting a few more Cichlids, I don’t know what sort as yet, I need to do a bit of Research First!