Archive for the ‘hiroshima fukamara’ Category


Here’s the 91st Mix selection for F.S.V.B, Its been Mixed for the Website “6 Million Steps”, its called “Jazz Funk Mix-1” there’s some Classic Jazz / Jazz Funk Tracks on here, including some Lonnie Liston Smith, Norman Connors, The Heath Brothers, Tania Maria and Hiroshi Fukumura!

Press play button below or Download from  Kadoo, check playlist here!

A couple of incidents I remember about living in the Flat, concerned Nathan!

At that particular time his Favorite Kids Cartoon was “Spiderman” so we had brought Him a Spiderman Suit including the Mask, I’m not sure whether these were Pyjamas’s but I think it was a proper Spiderman Suit.

Anyway I came home from Work one Day and Susan was in a Right State, Nathan had his Spidey Suit on and was running about the Flat as he usually did, but this time he tried to open one of the Lounge Windows to Fly out of!

Normally this may have been Alright, but we lived on the Third (top) Floor of a Block of Flats!

And down below outside the Flat Window, as I have said in Previous Post, was the Local Cemetery!

We Laugh about this now, but at that time it was very Serious, so after that time we had Locks put on all of the Windows!

Another incident which Nathan was Involved in was I had Brought an Expensive 7″ Single, it was on the “Champagne Record Label” and was called  “Hunt Up Wind” by Hiroshi Fukamura with Sadao Watanabe, that was a Great Track, and may have been the Dearest Single I have ever Brought!

Anyway to cut a long Story Short, the Record had been missing for a While and I had looked Everywhere, but could not find it, in fact I Believe I had given up looking for it!

Then one day I went in the Airing Cupboard looking for something else, and to my Surprise there was my Missing Single, I believe it was under a load of Clothes etc, Great I thought, until I looked more Closely, as I have said before in the Flat, our Heating System was a 
Hot Air Blowers, and the airing cupboard used to get Red Hot!

The Single was Warped from one side to the other , it was Ruined, in fact it had Cracked, right across the middle, in fact I still have the Single, checkout the Picture above!

I can also remember another time, when somebody spilled a Full Cup of Coffee over a pile of my 7″ Singles, luckily that time only the Sleeve’s were Ruined!

Kid’s are Great!