Archive for the ‘molly’ Category

As I have mentioned in my Previous Posts, I have had a Problem with a Cloudy Tank of Late!

I have tried many Different things to Cure it, one thing I had not tried and thought of “Did I have too many Cichlids/Fishes in the Corner Unit Tank” but around the same time, I had an Illness amongst a few the Cichlids, it was  Malawi Bloat or Hole-in-Head (or Both) Disease (I checked this out Online)!

This incidentally was the First Time I had something wrong with the Cichlids, whatsoever, so it was Hard to work out what was actually Wrong!

So to check out “Too Many Fish Problem” and to try and Cure the Illness, I decided to Buy another Small Tank 18″ x 12″ x 12″, including Heater and Filter etc.

As I already have a 24″ Emergency/Treatment Tank for the Cichlids, but at that time it Housed my Cory’s and Plecs, so I moved the Cory’s etc to the New Small Tank, and Moved out about 12 Cichlids that Looked Unwell into the 24″ Tank (Medium Tank).

I then Brought some “Octozin” from Ebay and started to Treat The Unwell Fish, more of this Next Time!

So I now had my Cory’s and Plec’s in the Small Tank, but that would soon Change, as my Son has a Community Fish Tank, and he had some Fish that were Fighting and He asked if I would Re-House some of them, which I did.

So now in my Small Tank I have the Following Fish:
4 Cory’s, 1 Upside Down Catfish, 2 Bristlenose Plec’s, 1 Plain Plec, 1 Blue Ram, 1 Silver Molly & 3 Tertra’s, and not Forgetting about 6 Apple Snails (that are now Breeding).