Archive for the ‘corys’ Category

As I have mentioned in my Previous Posts, I have had a Problem with a Cloudy Tank of Late!

I have tried many Different things to Cure it, one thing I had not tried and thought of “Did I have too many Cichlids/Fishes in the Corner Unit Tank” but around the same time, I had an Illness amongst a few the Cichlids, it was  Malawi Bloat or Hole-in-Head (or Both) Disease (I checked this out Online)!

This incidentally was the First Time I had something wrong with the Cichlids, whatsoever, so it was Hard to work out what was actually Wrong!

So to check out “Too Many Fish Problem” and to try and Cure the Illness, I decided to Buy another Small Tank 18″ x 12″ x 12″, including Heater and Filter etc.

As I already have a 24″ Emergency/Treatment Tank for the Cichlids, but at that time it Housed my Cory’s and Plecs, so I moved the Cory’s etc to the New Small Tank, and Moved out about 12 Cichlids that Looked Unwell into the 24″ Tank (Medium Tank).

I then Brought some “Octozin” from Ebay and started to Treat The Unwell Fish, more of this Next Time!

So I now had my Cory’s and Plec’s in the Small Tank, but that would soon Change, as my Son has a Community Fish Tank, and he had some Fish that were Fighting and He asked if I would Re-House some of them, which I did.

So now in my Small Tank I have the Following Fish:
4 Cory’s, 1 Upside Down Catfish, 2 Bristlenose Plec’s, 1 Plain Plec, 1 Blue Ram, 1 Silver Molly & 3 Tertra’s, and not Forgetting about 6 Apple Snails (that are now Breeding).

After about 4 Weeks in the tank, I decided to Buy some baby Cichlids to go with the Cory’s, I knew the Smaller Cichlids wouldn’t be Bulling them, I brought 2 OB peacocks and 3 Kingsizei, I again got them from Adam of Reedham.

The Male Kingsizei can be a Lovely Shade of Pale Blue in colour, although when Small, they have hardly any Colour (same as the females)!

They all got on Fine in the tank together and No Fighting!

One day I was looking around my Local tropical Shop, when I saw what I thought was a Really lovely Looking Cichlid, Unfournately there was no Name of it on the Tank and there was no Shop Assistant around, to ask for Advice, either, so I remembered what it Looked like and did a Search on the internet! 

It turned out to be a Demasoni Cichlid, a lovely Dark Blue with about 5 Black Stripes on it, they were Expensive in the Shop, I believe they were £12 each for about a one inch Fish, so I gave Adam a Ring and Luckily he some , so I arranged to Visit!

The next Weekend I Brought 4 Demasoni Cichlids, they were really Small, so once again I did not hesitate to put them in my 24 inch Tank, along with the other 5 cichlids and my 5 Catfishes!

Once again everything was Fine and best of all No Fighting!

I had 4 Cory’s in the Tank, which the Cichlids seemed to get on with, but after about 3 Months I noticed the Cory’s had little pieces of their Fins missing, so it was about time I got a Smaller tank, in case of Emergencies, such as the Cichlids Picking on the Cory’s!

I starting looking on a Couple of Pets For Sale Sites on Facebook, eventually I found one such Site , It was just for Fish, so i joined, within a couple of days I found a Second-Hand Tank.

It was 50 Litre Tank, 24 ins x 12 ins x 12 ins in size, it came with a Filter and a brand new Heater, lid and lighting System and Stand, as the Heater was Brand new, the whole Set-Up was £40, which was not too bad!

I spent the rest of the morning Cleaning the tank etc, I also Cleaned my big Tank on the same day, so the 25% water change went straight into the New Tank, meaning it was ready for the Cory’s straight away!

Along with the Cory’s, I put my 2 Upside Catfish, in there as well, as I had seen the Cichlids chasing them around too! 

They were much better in their new Tank and after less than a week, all their bitten Fins etc , had all grown back, that was £40 well spent!

Within 1 Month of the Cory’s moving Tanks, I had 3 lots of Eggs on the side of the Tank Glass, over a Week Period, but unfortunately, none of them were Fertilised, so they all Died. But it proved the Fish were better off in the New tank!

After a Week of the Tank running, I had used both Nutrafin Aqua Plus and Cycle Medications, I thought I would buy  my First Fish, it was a Large Plec!
It was a bit Bigger than the one I thought I had brought, but he was the First Fish, so I always make sure he has plenty of clear places in the Tank and places to hide!

He hardly ever moves though, its a different story at Night times though, many a Day we have got up, to plenty of things Knocked about in the Tank!

And he probably makes more Mess than all the other Fish put together!

I Purchased a Tank Gravel Cleaner, the one you have to get working by Hand, I used this a couple of times, it was a bit of a Pain to get going so I then brought a Battery Powered one, these are much Better and easier to use!

I also Purchased a Tank Thermometer that actually goes directly into the Tank, I had been using on of them Strip Ones that stick to the side of the Tank, but these are quite hard to work out the temperature and take too long as well, so for Quickness I brought a Digital Thermometer which is much better and easier to read!

After the Tank was running for about 20 Days I brought 4 little Cory’s (Catfish), 2 x Albino and 2 x Bronze, these are Great little Fish and always on to go! Whenever they see trouble, they stop and just go the other way! They say that these Fish do not clean up any other Fishes Mess, well I think they must do, because whenever I think “I must give the Tank a Clean tomorrow” by the next day it always seems Cleaner, could be the Filter’s I suppose! Widgets