Archive for the ‘second hand tank’ Category

I had 4 Cory’s in the Tank, which the Cichlids seemed to get on with, but after about 3 Months I noticed the Cory’s had little pieces of their Fins missing, so it was about time I got a Smaller tank, in case of Emergencies, such as the Cichlids Picking on the Cory’s!

I starting looking on a Couple of Pets For Sale Sites on Facebook, eventually I found one such Site , It was just for Fish, so i joined, within a couple of days I found a Second-Hand Tank.

It was 50 Litre Tank, 24 ins x 12 ins x 12 ins in size, it came with a Filter and a brand new Heater, lid and lighting System and Stand, as the Heater was Brand new, the whole Set-Up was £40, which was not too bad!

I spent the rest of the morning Cleaning the tank etc, I also Cleaned my big Tank on the same day, so the 25% water change went straight into the New Tank, meaning it was ready for the Cory’s straight away!

Along with the Cory’s, I put my 2 Upside Catfish, in there as well, as I had seen the Cichlids chasing them around too! 

They were much better in their new Tank and after less than a week, all their bitten Fins etc , had all grown back, that was £40 well spent!

Within 1 Month of the Cory’s moving Tanks, I had 3 lots of Eggs on the side of the Tank Glass, over a Week Period, but unfortunately, none of them were Fertilised, so they all Died. But it proved the Fish were better off in the New tank!