Archive for the ‘o2’ Category

Well we saw Al Green about 36 Hours ago! He was FANTASTIC, All I thought he would be, he was, He was Brilliant!

Firstly, I will talk about Michael Mcdonald, he was Great, He had a 6 Piece Band, including a Female Drummer / Singer, called Yvette “Baby Girl” Preyer she was Excellent! He also has a Great Saxophonist, Vince Denham.

Time passed so Quickly, but I think they performed for about 80 Minutes, He sung all his well known Hits, including “Yah Mo Be There” “On my Own” with Jaki Graham Duetting, this was Great, He also performed several Doobie Brothers Hits, including “What A Fool Believes” this was Excellent!

Michael Mcdonald also Sung a Song/Tribute written by Ray Charles, “You Dont Know Me”

His last Song was the Doobie Brothers Classic “Takin’ it to the Streets”  He was assisted on this Track by Female Backing Singer ” Drea Rhenee”

So this was a Great Evening’s Entertainment so far, but we were here to see “AL GREEN” and we had about a 20/30 minutes wait for that!

Before the Concert & during the Break, I brought myself a couple of “Al Green” T-shirts, see Photo’s!

I would also like to say a couple of thing’s about the Venue, The O2 Arena, it is a Great Place! in fact the whole Place is Massive, Shops, Cafes, Eating Places etc etc, we never really got time to see the Whole place!

This was because we were staying in a Hotel about 3/4 miles away, but The O2 is over the other side of The Thames River, so we left the Hotel with about 1 Hour before the Show was due to start, so I put the Postcode in the SatNav, and Nothing, it said “No Search Details!

I went back into the Hotel, they gave us Directions etc, but I’m sure you will Appreciate, coming from a Town in Norfolk UK, & going to London, the O2 could have been 50 Miles away as to being 3/4 miles!

I got the SatNav and tried numerous things to find the O2 on the Map, I eventually found it, it was still called the “Millenium Dome” so perhaps this was the Fault, I dont know, but we eventually got details and were on our way!

By the time we arrived, it was time to get straight to our Seats! and we had Great Seats, about 10 rows back to the Left of the Stage, a Great View, for most of the time, apart from when People were standing up to Dance!

Now I am not moaning about people dancing, but when you are all seated in a certain area and on the same level, when someone gets up, you all have to get up as well, if not you dont see what you have paid for! and people behind you, then Moan about you for standing up!

We had a Woman not too far in front of us, Dancing most of the time, this got a bit annoying, I must say, I think if they had played “The Death March” she still would have been dancing!

The Food & Drink was a bit Pricey, has you would have probably Expected, a Bottle of “Oasis” was £3!

I will finish this Post about “Al Green” a bit later! 

I think I will need a Whole Post for that! 

Checkout some Michael Mcdonald Tracks & Videos below!

Going back a few weeks ago, I mentioned about Hopefully going to See Al Green in Concert.

Well next Sunday that is going to Happen, me and the Wife are off to the O2 Arena in London, to see Al Green!

I  cant wait, I have waited 35 Years to see him in Concert, I purchased my First Al Green Album back in 1975, that was about 6 Years from he’s Debut Album “Back up Train” in 1969.

Actually my Wife “Susan” had also brought the same Album back then, the “Greatest Hits” as we did’nt meet until 1976!

Over the years I have seen some Great Singer’s / Groups, checkout my previous Posts concerning this Subject, but I’m Hoping Al Green will be Great and be the Best Live Performer I have seen, I have seen him on U.K TV & heard him on Radio quite a few times of late, and he sounds as Great as Ever!

Just heard some Great News about the Concert, Micheal Mcdonald is the Support Act, so Al Green will be Singing a Full Concert, I thought they were both Headliners! 

I have a few Links here, some Radio and some TV also some Interviews with AG, Checkout the first Link for a Live Performance of “Let’s Stay Together”:

Jonathan Ross Show
Steve Wright Radio Podcast
John Wilson, Front Row on Radio 4
Preview of concert in WalesOnline
Interview with Aol Music

I have been told that the O2 is one of the Biggest and Best Venues for Concert’s, so we are looking forward to seeing that as well!

I will put a Post on next week concerning the Concert (and Venue) so come back next week!

Here are the Tickets for Next Week!

Download Al Green’s “The Greatest Hits” Album Here!

If you have read my Previous Two Entries concerning this Subject, you will know I have seen some Great Groups and Singers over some 30 Years!

But the one Person I would love to see in Concert is my Favorite Singer of All Time…. Al Green

Going back to late part of 2008, when my 50th Birthday was coming up, my Wife Susan asked what Special Present I would like, I had several ideas in mind and one of the Main things was to See Al Green in Concert!

So we set about looking to see if and when Al Green was coming over to the UK, and would you believe it he was already over Touring in the UK, I was too late, so me and Susan made a promise if Al Green came to the UK again in the future, We would make Sure we get to see him!

I ended up with a 47in LCD TV and a Computer, so I didn’t go without!

I have since that time always kept an Eye on any Tour dates by Al Green!

This brings me to last week, Thursday to be precise, I was looking at my page on Last FM, when I saw an Advert for a Concert date for The Temptations and The Four Tops at the O2 Arena in London!

I thought I would have a look to see what Original Members both Groups still have, I think it was 3 between them!

Any way I was on the O2 Arenas front page when an Advert popped up which featured Al Green and Michael McDonald, I couldn’t believe it!

I told Susan and the first thing she said was “Get 2 Tickets”

Another piece of Luck was, the Tickets were going on Sale the NextDay,I couldn’t wait to get them!

While waiting for Friday to come, I went on Internet to get an idea about what Price the Tickets would Cost, to my surprise some Companies were asking around £130, a chap on Ebay was asking £399!

I was at my PC at 9am last Friday morning and within 10 minutes I had 2 Tickets to see in my opinion the Greatest Soul Singer of All Time!

The Price was less than half of the first quote I saw, so we were Happy with that!

I would have preferred to have seen Al Green on his own (as we would have seen him sing more of his Songs) but Michael McDonald is a Great Singer, with “Yah Mo be There” being a Classic!

So we are counting the Days down until 26th June 2010!

I will obviously be taking a Camera and Video Camera, so look out in the future on this Blog, for some Great Photos etc!