Archive for June 22, 2011

I had 4 Cory’s in the Tank, which the Cichlids seemed to get on with, but after about 3 Months I noticed the Cory’s had little pieces of their Fins missing, so it was about time I got a Smaller tank, in case of Emergencies, such as the Cichlids Picking on the Cory’s!

I starting looking on a Couple of Pets For Sale Sites on Facebook, eventually I found one such Site , It was just for Fish, so i joined, within a couple of days I found a Second-Hand Tank.

It was 50 Litre Tank, 24 ins x 12 ins x 12 ins in size, it came with a Filter and a brand new Heater, lid and lighting System and Stand, as the Heater was Brand new, the whole Set-Up was £40, which was not too bad!

I spent the rest of the morning Cleaning the tank etc, I also Cleaned my big Tank on the same day, so the 25% water change went straight into the New Tank, meaning it was ready for the Cory’s straight away!

Along with the Cory’s, I put my 2 Upside Catfish, in there as well, as I had seen the Cichlids chasing them around too! 

They were much better in their new Tank and after less than a week, all their bitten Fins etc , had all grown back, that was £40 well spent!

Within 1 Month of the Cory’s moving Tanks, I had 3 lots of Eggs on the side of the Tank Glass, over a Week Period, but unfortunately, none of them were Fertilised, so they all Died. But it proved the Fish were better off in the New tank!

Here’s the 93rd Mix selection for F.S.V.B, Its been Mixed by George the DJ, its called “Father’s Day Mix 2011 (couple of days late, I know!), there’s some Classic Older Soul and New Soul Tracks on here, including some Luther Vandross, Eddie and Gerald Levert, Bill Withers, The Temptations, JB’s, Jaheim and Lil Wayne!